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Haagan Pizza & Kebab - Helsinki

Saat nyt 10% bonus, kun tilaat annokset netistä.

Tilaa nyt!

How it works

Easy ! just follow the instructions.


Delivery or takeaway

How do you like to get or deliver your meal ?


Pay by card or cash

It's quick, easy and totally secure.


Enjoy Your food

The food will be delivered right to your doorstep. Enjoy it !

Pizza Service Haaga

Pizzat, Kebabit ja vegaaninen ruoka


Lataa Haagan Pizza & Kebab sovellus älypuhelimeesi, ja varmista, että lempiravintolasi on aina lähellä!

Sovellusten avulla saat ateriasi muutamalla napsautuksella kotiin!

We also deliver to your office

Are you in home ? or Office ? Deliver your food where you like it to be !